FRANK 330 is a single salt mixture suitable for preparing a Nitrate / Nitrite salt bath for use at 480-635°C for solution treatment of aluminium alloys or at 380-400°C for annealing the same alloys after cold working. After the solution treatment, the parts are quenched in water and then hardened by heating in FRANK 150 to 160-200°C. The soaking time and the temperature depends on the composition of the components being treated.
A new FRANK 330 bath is prepared by placing sufficient FRANK 330 in a furnace with a low- carbon steel pot heated externally by gas or electricity, or internally using immersion heaters, and applying heat until the salt melts. Care should be taken that this salt is not overheated otherwise it could lead to the risk of explosion.
The bottom of the bath should not be dredged daily to remove sludge. All traces of FRANK 330 or FRANK 150 must be removed of the surfaces of the Aluminium alloy parts by washing in clean hot water to avoid corrosion on standing.
Frank Alkanes India Pvt Ltd
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